There is a certain appeal to a fur coat. While it is considered a symbol of style and luxury now, it has its roots firmly established for its functional use. It was hundreds of years ago when some of the earliest humans started creating clothing made of animal pelts and fur to protect them from cold and harsh weather. It wasn’t until the 11th century that it started moving away from its main purpose of keeping someone warm and started becoming a status symbol for society to the point that it had to be regulated. Furs from leopard, panther, lynx and gray squirrel were reserved for the elite, while everyone else has to to with the more common wolf, fox, and sheep’s fur.
These days, there have been many functional alternatives other than fur, but fur still remains popular due to its elegance. Some people, however, opt-out of wearing or purchasing fur for ethical reasons. People who want to be sustainable turn to vintage fashion, and if you are one of the people who are lucky enough to have inherited fur, here are answers to some of the most common questions:
Are old fur coats worth it?
Fur coats are definitely worth it. Warmth, longevity, and durability are three of the main reasons why fur is still worn in cold places in the world these days. For example, aside from countries such as Russia, Ukraine, the former Yugoslavia, Scandinavia, and Japan, where fur is part of their traditional clothing, fur is also commonly used in places with extremely cold climates such as the Arctic. It is worn by indigenous people and the Inuit people for many years, and it is because fur offers amazing insulating qualities. Fur, while not as popular as it once was, is still worn and produced these days. Countries such as China, Denmark, and Poland are known to be their biggest producers. So if you found yourself holding in your hands inherited fur and asking yourself if the fur is still worth it? We’d say due to its ability to keep one warm and how it is long-lasting, we would say it absolutely is.
What to do with mom’s vintage fur coat?
If you recently found yourself the heir to your mother’s or grandmother’s old chinchilla fur coat and are wondering what to do with it, we have some suggestions. Fur has been around for ages, and its persistence comes from the fact that aside from style, fur products are also known for their supreme insulating abilities and durability. One piece of advice, of course, is to wear it if you live in a country where the weather calls for warm clothing. If you think the fur is not your style or because it is not ethical for you, you can also choose to donate it. You can donate it to shelters where people are in need of warm clothing or you can also donate it to organizations that use them to make warm beddings for animal shelters. Simply check online what is the nearest shelter near you.
What can I make out of an old fur coat?
Fur materials are durable. If you are in possession of an old fur coat and want to keep it for sentimental reasons, you can also keep it and just let your creativity flow and design it into something else or upcycle it. You can for example make it into a new bag, a new top, or even an earmuff. There are a lot of video tutorials online where you can simply follow the instructions on how to make them. Another thing you can do is make a decoration or functional home piece such as a seat pad or cover or even as a throw pillowcase. If you have decided to keep your fur coat find more info on our article on how to clean and store a fur coat ?
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